Top 5 Free FLV Players for Mac to Play .flv Files

5 min readMar 19, 2021
FLV Player

After changing FLV over to other Apple viable organizations or introducing Perian in QuickTime, the best and least demanding way is likely free download the best FLV player for Mac and afterward let it play each FLV documents you toss at it. FLV (Flash Video) is neither yet obsolete nor uncommon compartment design, numerous famous online video facilitating locales like YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, and so forth are as yet utilizing this arrangement for real time recordings. The default player for Mac — QuickTime player announced that FLV player is not, at this point upheld, however fortunately there are some outsider FLV media player programming out there asserting they support play FLV records on Mac.

Among them, we’ve tried and chosen the best 3 FLV players for Mac 2021 and here is a short audit.

With regards to macOS media playback, you will consistently consider Quick Time, it is free and with extremely flawless and smooth playback. However, with regards to FLV video records or a few Windows organization, for example, WMV, AVI that not upheld locally by Apple, you need to pick the best free FLV player introduced, read on to know which FLV player for Mac you like.

5KPlayer — 4K UHD FLV Player for Mac and Windows 10

5KPlayer is an exceptionally famous all-media player with improved playback capacity, this Mac FLV player plays HD/UHD recordings in an assortment of standard video designs including MKV, AVI, FLV, WMV, MP4, SWF just as multi-district and area free DVDs.


Despite this FLV player’s different highlights, for example, free YouTube video downloading and Apple AirPlay support, as a FLV video player for Mac, 5KPlayer has an exceptionally smooth and direct UI and incredibly simple to utilize, regardless of for new starters or for tech aces. Furthermore, this stunning macOS FLV player permits you to pivot video, add captions, change video brilliance, immersion and skipping video playback progress.

How to Play FLV Files on Mac with 5KPlayer?

At the point when you have downloaded and introduced 5KPlayer on your Mac, there are three different ways to open a FLV document with this best free FLV media player:

  • Drag and drop the ideal .flv record to this FLV player symbol or interface.
  • On 5KPlayer fundamental interface, click Video > Select the FLV video from your folder> Click Open.
  • Locate the objective FLV video, right-click the video record and afterward explore to open with 5KPlayer.

Elmedia Player — Professional FLV Video Player for Mac

Elmedia Player

Elmedia Player is another tremendous FLV players for Mac because of its hug of all realized video designs. This Mac FLV media player is accessible in two forms: A free duplicate which upholds virtually every media design flawlessly including AVI, FLV & SWF, MP4, F4V, WMV, WAV, OGG, MKV, Webm, WMA, MOV, MP3, MTS, DAT, FLAC, M4V, M4A, MPG, DivX, DAT, Blu-Ray, and MKV. and another overhaul paid adaptation which adds the capacity to download YouTube content, control sound playback settings, or get still pictures from video records.

Be that as it may, you can appreciate the free form of this FLV in an incredible arrangement as long as you don’t plan to go to inside and out video downloading experience of playback needs. Furthermore, this Mac FLV player likewise permits you to make and oversee playlists.

VLC Player — Open-source FLV Player for Mac

VLC Media Player is a notable multi-designs FLV video player that likewise deals with Mac to play FLV video documents. To be perfectly honest speaking, VLC player isn’t likely yet actually the most mainstream video player for Windows also. At the point when a default video player neglected to play a specific video document on Windows, individuals will initially attempt VLC player.

VLC Player is popular for its help for the vastest cluster of video arranges just as it works altogether most all stages, notwithstanding, on macOS, this Mac FLV player works not as impeccably as 5KPlayer and Elmedia player does. What’s more, a few clients incline toward 5KPlayer to VLC is a result of 5KPlayer’s straightforwardness and does whatever it expected to.

Sothink FLV Player — Small-sized FLV Player for Mac

Sothink is a little measured free programming for Mac, with straightforward capacities that can meet fundamental FLV video playback prerequisites of clients. It not just plays all standard Flash .flv video records on the neighborhood drive, yet in addition plays the online FLV recordings straightforwardly through URL. Likewise, you can drag more than one FLV record to the window of Sothink FLV Player, and it will make you a playlist of the recordings.

Another point that Sothink can improve client experience is that it would auto be able to put together and resize windows to accommodate your FLV video while playing. Despite the fact that Sothink FLV Player will presently don’t be delivered in new forms and presently don’t give client support, it is as yet accessible for download and use.

Weak Desktop FLV Player — Flash-based Legacy Player for Mac

Weak Player, the HTML5 Player had separate a MP3 player and a FLV player, and the independent FLV player is named Wimpy Desktop FLV player. This player is free for Windows and Mac to play Flash recordings, you can relocate the video to the interface and play it. This FLV player is quite old, and the UI watches outdated, yet you can modify the presence of the interface.

Other than playing FLV documents, Wimpy Desktop FLV player likewise has implicit with other essential highlights to play MP4, 3GP and MPEG-4 records that utilization the H.264 codec, just as MP3, AAC and M4A sound documents.

How to open ANY video file on Mac FOR FREE!




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